Wednesday, 13 February 2013


Things are sent to test us!!! 
After the few weeks that have past, I believe this to the fullest extent! A phrase couldn't have more relevance even if it tried. 

I am a strong believer in fate and the ideology that everything happens for a reason, good and bad. Each choice we make defines which direction our path takes and along that path we encounter situations that test our morals, beliefs and conscience. Our decisions guide us to the place we are truly meant to be in life - Our destiny! That is my opinion anyway!
Without going in to detail, the last few weeks have sure done that! 

A situation presented itself that required me to make an overall decision that would test my views to the fullest. I pride myself on being a truthful person, not only to others but to myself and It is one thing i swore after my long term relationship broke down last May that I would never allow myself to become so blinded that I wouldn't see the true extent of a situation nor the consequences your actions could have. I have strong beliefs in right and wrong and believe that if you can't stay true to yourself then I really don't think you can fully expect the same from others. 

Surely, the lack of a strong sense of self worth leaves us vulnerable to unnecessary hurt?? Or maybe it depends on the situation?? Or even other people?? Can we really afford to forgo those beliefs in any situation? Not only that but in a situation that deep down inside we know is wrong??  Is there anything to gain from treading into the unknown regardless of the consequences for you or someone else?  Some would say life experience perhaps, adrenaline rush, adventure maybe But then again, how do you silence your conscience when you know the magnitude of what you considering? That is one thing I can't do in my life. I don't think you should ignore your conscience as that is your inner alarm warning you to re think. Maybe mine is just too loud to ignore unlike some! I am not ashamed of this fact and it definitely doesn't stop me living my life how I want! 

It does make me question the thoughts of others though. I know we never know the true extent of someones life unless they are willing to bare their true self to us (which is very rare) so should we possibly refrain from judging someones actions or potential actions??  Or should we judge them on our own morals and beliefs??

Although, a positive from this situation is that it has altered my view on friendships and has made me value particular ones even more than before for exactly what they are, fabulous friendships! - you can not "talk someone round" in to staying in your life or taking things further, they have got to want to stay and if they do want to then they will make an effort to do so. 
Again it is the same idea, that If something is meant to be then it will be! But if not then just enjoy things as they are. 

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