Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Royal Connections

A bit off topic from my usual ramblings but just had to be mentioned

With the news of the discovery of Richard III's skeleton under a Leicester City Centre car park covering our front pages I have been attracted to this story more than I ever expected.
While it is of course a milestone for the entire country's history, it is due to a totally different reason I have immersed myself in the news. You see, from looking at the many images scattered on line and in the papers it is clear to see and (relatively well documented) that Richard shared the same spinal issue as myself - Scoliosis.

 This connection is one I know that many will share but it always hits me when Scoliosis makes the headlines for what ever reason. While I can't begin to even comprehend how horrendously painful and debilitating his condition was due to the lack of knowledge at the time, it always brings me back to my winding (curved) path of my scoliosis journey which I am so grateful to have come through with extra confidence, 2 8 hour operations and a collection of titanium that makes airport security a rather fun place to be.

I know that his condition isn't the key piece of information being thrust at us but I really do hope that it will help raise awareness of Scoliosis as it is more common than people think!

For further Information please visit The Scoliosis Association UK

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