Friday, 15 February 2013

A Tragic Valentine

Happy Valentines day to you all but i'm afraid that this isn't happy post but one of surprise, sadness and one of an unknown future.
I feel so dazed by today's headlines about Oscar Pistorius! I feel truly shocked. I  have hated hearing/seeing it unfold as the day has gone on and am dreading hearing about his court appearanc. Of course i send my condolenses to the family of the poor woman too. Such a loss!

No one can ever take this moment from him!
 I am a huge fan and he is one of my heroes.  None of this seems right and i really do hope that we are all going to wake up in a minute and it will have been a nightmare but unfortunately i have a feeling this nightmare is only just beginning.
You don't have to be an athletics fan to acknowledge the amazing impact Oscar has made in the sport and the being the poster boy so London 2012 Paralympic games he has brought paralympic sport as a whole in to the public view where it well and truly belongs. His increased public position has gone on to icon status but i am now worried that it is only going to prove to be a platform for people to push him from now. 

One thing that has disgusted me about this affair is the lack of respect and compassion the public has shown. Within hours of the story breaking,  numerous social networking sites were being innundated with sick jokes about Oscar. Lets just remember that he is completely innocent until proven otherwise! 

 My support for Pistorius will not end here! That might seem ridiculous to some but no situation can take away the amazing acheivements. He still remains an inspiration and a hero in my eyes

 The one thought that scares me more than anything is - What if today is going to be the day people remember Oscar for rather than the gold medals and world records???

Wednesday, 13 February 2013


Things are sent to test us!!! 
After the few weeks that have past, I believe this to the fullest extent! A phrase couldn't have more relevance even if it tried. 

I am a strong believer in fate and the ideology that everything happens for a reason, good and bad. Each choice we make defines which direction our path takes and along that path we encounter situations that test our morals, beliefs and conscience. Our decisions guide us to the place we are truly meant to be in life - Our destiny! That is my opinion anyway!
Without going in to detail, the last few weeks have sure done that! 

A situation presented itself that required me to make an overall decision that would test my views to the fullest. I pride myself on being a truthful person, not only to others but to myself and It is one thing i swore after my long term relationship broke down last May that I would never allow myself to become so blinded that I wouldn't see the true extent of a situation nor the consequences your actions could have. I have strong beliefs in right and wrong and believe that if you can't stay true to yourself then I really don't think you can fully expect the same from others. 

Surely, the lack of a strong sense of self worth leaves us vulnerable to unnecessary hurt?? Or maybe it depends on the situation?? Or even other people?? Can we really afford to forgo those beliefs in any situation? Not only that but in a situation that deep down inside we know is wrong??  Is there anything to gain from treading into the unknown regardless of the consequences for you or someone else?  Some would say life experience perhaps, adrenaline rush, adventure maybe But then again, how do you silence your conscience when you know the magnitude of what you considering? That is one thing I can't do in my life. I don't think you should ignore your conscience as that is your inner alarm warning you to re think. Maybe mine is just too loud to ignore unlike some! I am not ashamed of this fact and it definitely doesn't stop me living my life how I want! 

It does make me question the thoughts of others though. I know we never know the true extent of someones life unless they are willing to bare their true self to us (which is very rare) so should we possibly refrain from judging someones actions or potential actions??  Or should we judge them on our own morals and beliefs??

Although, a positive from this situation is that it has altered my view on friendships and has made me value particular ones even more than before for exactly what they are, fabulous friendships! - you can not "talk someone round" in to staying in your life or taking things further, they have got to want to stay and if they do want to then they will make an effort to do so. 
Again it is the same idea, that If something is meant to be then it will be! But if not then just enjoy things as they are. 

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Royal Connections

A bit off topic from my usual ramblings but just had to be mentioned

With the news of the discovery of Richard III's skeleton under a Leicester City Centre car park covering our front pages I have been attracted to this story more than I ever expected.
While it is of course a milestone for the entire country's history, it is due to a totally different reason I have immersed myself in the news. You see, from looking at the many images scattered on line and in the papers it is clear to see and (relatively well documented) that Richard shared the same spinal issue as myself - Scoliosis.
 This connection is one I know that many will share but it always hits me when Scoliosis makes the headlines for what ever reason. While I can't begin to even comprehend how horrendously painful and debilitating his condition was due to the lack of knowledge at the time, it always brings me back to my winding (curved) path of my scoliosis journey which I am so grateful to have come through with extra confidence, 2 8 hour operations and a collection of titanium that makes airport security a rather fun place to be.

I know that his condition isn't the key piece of information being thrust at us but I really do hope that it will help raise awareness of Scoliosis as it is more common than people think!

For further Information please visit The Scoliosis Association UK

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Page Turners

As an English Literature student you would think i might get fed up of reading but I have been thinking about all the must read books I have on MY reading list, not uni but all for me. Due to the amount of reading to be done for uni, I don't get much time for what I call social reading. 
Along with an Olympian's autobiography or 2, the mix of genre's on my list is so widespread it will take me a lifetime to get through them all. I won't be able to fit them all in one post but will condense it in to a pocket size digest that i am hoping to work my way through within the next 6 months.

1. Crimson Petal and the white - Michael Faber

2. The Thirty-Nine Steps - John Buchan

3. Othello - William Shakespeare

4. Story Of O - Pauline Reage

5. The Importance of Being Earnest - Oscar Wilde

6. Vanity Fair - William Makepeace Thackeray

7. Middlemarch - George Elliot

8. 1984 - George Orwell

9. The Great Gatsby - F.Scott Fitzgerald

10. The Quantum Universe - Professor Brian Cox

My current university read is the rather enchanting Pride and Prejudice. I truly don't know why i haven't read this before! Mr Darcy and I have finally been acquainted and I'm loving every word of it. I have never been in to reading Jane Austen novels until now but I think I might be hooked!

Only a short entry today but still perfectly formed!


Saturday, 2 February 2013

Valentines for the single girl!

 As the 14th February approaches us yet again, why should it should only be the twosomes that get all the fun?? As a single lady, i believe valentines days is perfect for a "me day" and it doesn't always have to be spent with the usual 2 gentlemen - Ben and Jerry. I am not bitter in the slightest about my first Valentines day as a single lady, in fact i can't wait!

One thing that i have found with Valentines day is that we put so much effort in to making the day perfect and worrying about the idea that something could go wrong that we really don't have time to relax and cherish every second as we should on the day of lurve! Spontaneity really is the key and if you are anything like me,the one thing i treasure about my single life is my freedom to do what i want when i want it! 
So this year why not spend the day treating yourself without the worry of receiving any cheap and tacky gifts! Valentines day is all about a celebration of love?? Who else better to lavish attention on, than yourself. 

While i can't promise that you won't bump in to loved up couple or 2 throughout the day, here are a few ideas to spend and enjoy this valentines day: 

1. Love the ones you're with.
Why not get the girls together and head out! Retail therapy is always the top of my list. Being with the people you love the most will always brighten your day. Spend the time doing something you love; Shopping, spa, cocktails etc As long as your day is full of laughter, smiles, gossip and making new memories what could be a better. Just step away from the Adele and Taylor Swift Cd's.
 Just make a pact of no mentions of an ex!

 2. Blooming brilliant
Who says that you should only get flowers as a gift on on Valentines day! While out on your lunch break, on your way home, why not treat yourself to your favourite flowers. I always love getting flowers and i admit to being really traditional when it comes wanting a dozen red roses waiting on my bed side on valentines day morning but why go without. 
Even better! Spread the love to your friends! Surprise them with a special delivery at work or waiting for them when they get home! Smile guaranteed all round!

3. Movie Marathon
Feeling like having a DVD marathon then why not spend the night in with Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Ewan Mcgregor or Bradley Cooper. If you want to go for romantic, just be sure you keep the film quite light, maybe not the best time for The Notebook and a box of tissues. Try something like Love Actually, a film that i think has the power to restore belief in REAL relationships. Love isn't always like it is in the movies.
There are of course the favourite girls to spend an evening with: Those fabulous sex and the city girls.
My favourite film of all time is Moulin Rouge so i fully intend on spending my valentines evening listening to Ewan Mcgregor singing 'Come What May' *sigh* 

4. Escapism
Start the day with a brand new book and try and get through it all in one day. Getting lost in a good book is the best kind of escapism from the real world. Whether you spend the day in the company of Mr Darcy, Christian Grey or Romeo and Juliet just let go and lose yourself!

 5. Start something new
Without sounding too much like Beyonce throughout this blog post, Valentines day could be the start of something fabulous for all you single ladies! Take up a new hobby, join a fitness class, sign up for a new course, do the one thing you have been meaning to do for so long but you have always had to put to one side! This is YOUR day!!

6. Head to the Gym
OK, so this might not sound like the most fun filled way to spend valentines day but a workout will get those endorphins flowing and put you on a natural high. It is well know that gyms are a fabulous place to meet new people so why not put on your biggest smile and flirt like there is no tomorrow =)

Whether you are spending this valentines day with your favourite people or even having a well deserved you day. I wish you all the love and happiness in the world! Happy Valentines day!!