Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Hello April!

My April began as I wish it to go on. Surrounded by all things Bowie!

If anyone follows me on Facebook or Twitter, you will know that I have recently fallen in love with the great man. I have always been a fan but within the past few months, something has just clicked between me and his music! It as all become clear that it is his magic touch that has provided current artists such as Lady Gaga with the inspiration to write, style and perform. He truly is THE original. You can feel his influence in all cultural areas.

After a Meadowhall shop on Monday night, I came home with a  mini Bowie haul of Cd's and a Bowie t-shirt from Primark (yes i know, I was surprised too) Quite a productive shopping trip me thinks! I got home, put a new CD on and it hasn't stopped playing since! Oh Starman! 
 I hope my April continues in the same manner. I am currently desperate to get to the "David Bowie is" exhibition at the V&A in London. Trying to get tickets for the marathon weekend in a fortnight so i think my plan of getting the earlier train after my lecture could pay off =)  
Keep everything crossed for me! 

April is also going to the month of gym visits galore. I'll state straight away, i am not trying to lose weight, in fact i would like to put some on! I just want to tone up. I've re started my on and off relationship with yoga to increase my flexibility and better my posture (muchly needed) I have also started a mini regime of sit ups, press ups and planks to occupy my mornings and evenings. This latter exercise plan is slightly easier when i have my gym buddy telling me how pitiful my efforts are. 

I am thankful to report that April seems to have brought a friend with him in the form of spring. We have beautiful sunshine here in the countryside this morning! Lets hope it stays   

I hope your April is full of spring sun, music and smiles 


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