Saturday, 29 December 2012

Shining on in to 2013

Merry Christmas one and all!

Hope you all had a magical Christmas and all still feeling all bright and bubbly after all the festivities of the past week!
In the days between Christmas and New Year, normally have to be dragged kicking and screaming back to the real world of work and the everyday but this year I Have done it with such ease and a spring in my step (I even went to the gym last night!) This year feels so different to last year. My 2012 has been, lets say....................... up and down from day one. One lesson i have learnt is that, comfort doesn't always mean security. This goes for the 2 halves of my year - The bad half, having the ground swiped from under my feet. Then the good half -  I have never felt so secure in my life than I do at the moment I am following my dream of studying English Literature at university, I have a good job with good prospects for the future, I am surrounding my self and my life with positive people who bring out the best in me and as I've been told by people; I've got my sparkle back! While all this might sound outrageously selfish and self centred but like i say after the 2012 I have had I have one thing to say to that - I don't care! I deserve it! It is all about me from now on in my life! I am finding MY path now. Even if it does mean treading that path alone for a long time! I am well and truly ready to shine on in to 2013.

Surely like me you will maybe have a general idea of some New Years resolutions?? I bucked the trend of a lifetime last year and didn't officially make any, while it might not have started well, from July 2012 onwards it really was quite bright so I am going to make a tradition out of this and not make any for 2013. Don't get me wrong, I have hopes and dreams for the year but for now I'm just excited to see where my path leads me!

Wishing you all a wonderful New Year!



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